Boat pose



There are many variations to this Boat Pose with the benefits derived being the same, but below are the benefits of the Complete Boat Pose as the first variation.


  • Stretches the hamstrings and quadricep muscles: Holding this pose requires strength at the upper thigh where the quadricep muscles are put to work. The stretching of these muscles along with the hamstrings, help to get the pose it’s right posture. This further brings flexibility of these muscles with repeated practice.
  • Strengthens the hip: Here the hips play an important role in balancing the body. Strengthening of the hips will help to balance the body on the hip bones. The higher you lift your legs and the more vertical you take your torso, the more your hip flexors work to become strong.
  • Core and Abdominal muscles become strong: While at this posture the weight of the body should be balanced at the centre which is the core. Tightening of the core or the abdominal muscles during the practice of this pose is essential. This repeated tightening of the core muscles will make them strong which becomes essential for the practice of various other advanced yoga poses.
  • Stretches the entire lower body: In Paripurna Navasana the entire lower body is stretched from the hips to the tips of the toes. The adductor muscles work to keep the inner legs squeezed together. The ankles and the toes work, to give the complete stretch to the legs.
  • Stretches the spinal muscles and strengthens the spinal nerve: The spinal muscles engage to keep the torso upright and tight. These muscles work with the abdominal muscles and help keep the spinal cord strong giving it it’s natural curves.
  • Aids in building a strong back: As the weight of the body in Paripurna Navasana is at the centre, the abdominal muscles do their work continuously. This brings about a good stretch to the lower back making it strong and firm. The strength of the back will be a great support for the hips to go comfortably in this posture.
  • Improves the alignment of the entire body: This wonderful pose with the upper torso and the lower body completely stretched brings the body in a perfect alignment forming the letter ‘V’. Repeating this pose will eventually improve the alignment of the body as, the neck and the shoulders need to be stretched out, the chest expanded forward giving the spine it’s natural curve, the thighs and the legs stretched out straight and balanced well in the air.
  • Aids in improving digestion: While at this pose the abdominal muscles are at work, it brings about better and improved digestion. The tightening of these muscles works on the abdominal organs, helping in the proper functioning of the same.
  • Focuses on balancing the body: With proper practice this pose builds up the confidence which helps in balancing the body well. This focus on balance, also helps in stress relief and aids in concentration.